Add energy monitoring

Later she would like to add measuring energy for charginag her car, water heater and other few applinces.
After installing a sensor it takes several minutes to configure broker, add sensor to broker and add sensor to a new dashboard.

Additional location

Later she would like to add her second location (house). And be able to see sensors on one or the other location.
The process is very similar, and all expirience gained can be reused. This can be implemented in a few hours.

In application she is able to select the location, and see the appropriate dashboards.

Adding sensor battery dashboard

Denise can by her own create a new, addiional dashboard. Ih her case beside monitoring primary values for temperature and air humiuity she would also like to monitor sernsor batery, to replace it on time.

It takse less than 3 minutes to add a new dashboard which is immediatelly available on mobile application or web application.


The most important is to adjust the implementation to fit the needs.

Choosing sensors

Denise for her use case is happy to use simple, nice looking sensors that she can also use to read data derectly on sensor. Fot thiis purpose che decide to go with Xiaomi Bluetooth Temperature and Humidity Monitor 2.
Because of bluetooth she can cover her home with 1 or 2 bluetooth data collectors (see next chapter).

Choosing a Broker

For her needs she can use ioBroker as a broker, or Home Assistant
She decideed to go with IoBroker due to simplicity how to set up sending her data to a Cloud.

Bluetooth to IoBroker

Her sensors are all over the house. To avoid issues with bluetooth range she decided to use 2 Bloeetooth collectors placed to cover all sensors, including the one ont the terace.
Since both are covered by her home wifi she can use ESP32 with Tasmota firmware to send data to IoBroker.
It takes less than 10 minutes to set up and configure.

Creating an account on

Denise took an opportunity to have an early bird 100% discount for creating an account on
A customer Denise is created. Also two users/persons are created. One for her and one for her husband.

Web Console Access

Denise is a special user also having access to the Web Console to adjust sernsors, place them into appropriate groups and select sensor type.
After that she is also able to create and modify the dashbords, she or her husband are able to use.

Using Dashboards to monitor data

At this point she created a dashboard for temperature and humiditi for all 4 sensors in her house.
She or her husband can see the data on mobile application or web application.


Described above is often implemented using a home automation.
But ofthen it doesnt scale easily.

Expanding an usage

Denise can now decide in which order she can improve her IoT. She is thinking about adding monitoring of energy adding an additional location (her second house) and also adding a sensor battery monitoring.

No need for her own Cloud

Her use case is too small to have a complexity and expenses running out sercices on her own Cloud.
So she decided to use to store her data and to have access to it from anywhere.

What if she want her own Cloud

Her friends asked her to help them for similar cases. Over time that friends and familly becomes more serious.
She is now capable recommending which IoT devices make more sense than the others, or how to select a perfect match for anyone needs. So now, Denise is thinking to open a small business to enable not only to her friends and family but also other customers IoT solution.
She created her own AWS Account, and now we are providing all our services on her AWS account. So now she is in a full control.


  • All
  • Mobile App
  • Web
  • Dashboard

App 1


Web 1


App 2


Dashboard 1


Web 2


App 3


Dashboard 2


Dashboard 3


Web 3


Contact Us

Company and Address

AiOblak, Našička 27, Zagreb, Croatia

Phone Number

+385 98 416 133